filaments divergently spreading, of a curious shape,
quite smooth, the lower part very slender and filiform,
white, gradually thickening towards the middle, where
it becomes very much thickened, tapering both ways,
the upper part again slender, purple, slightly ascending,
attached to the back of the anthers, near the middle :
anthers 2-lobed, slightly sagittate at the base: pollen
yellow. Germen smooth, oval, bluntly 3-sided, 3-chan-
nelled. Styles 3, filiform, divergently spreading, about
one third longer than the stamens, straight, smooth,
after being set with the pollen curling up. Stigma a
simple blunt point.
Bulbs of this very curious plant were procured by
Mr. Colvill, in July last, of Mr. Synnet, a Gentleman
who had been residing in the interior of the Cape for
several years, and in the mean time had made a choice
collection of curious plants, of which he has brought
seeds and bulbs to this country : many of the bulbs
have already flowered, and the greater part prove new
or very rare; when the bulbs were brought home, they
were planted in pots, in an equal mixture of loam,
peat, and sand, and were placed in the open air, where
they are thriving very well, and a great number of
them are showing for flower; we find, upon trial, that all
the Cape bulbs may be grown with advantage in the
open ground, by making up a bed of light sandy soil,
and planting the bulbs from 4 to 8 inches deep, according
to their s iz e ; they may be planted in April,
and after they have done flovvering, may be taken up
and kept dry till the following spring, in the same
manner as T i g r i d i a ; or if left in the ground all the
winter, they will require to be covered with some dry
litter, or old tan, so as to keep the frost from the bulbs :
the present plant is increased by offsets from the bulbs,
or by seeds.
— —
1. Two o f th e leaflets o f th e P e ria n th iu ra , showing th e scales a t th e base
which enclose th e honey. 2. The 6 Stamens in se rted in th e re c e p ta c le , showing
th e slender base an d point an d th e swelling in th e middle, th e filaments
atta ch ed to the b ack o f the anthers. 3. Germen, te rm in a ted by th e 3 spreading
Styles and simple Stigmas.