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succulent at the base, becoming slender at the point,
which curves inward, attached to the back of the anthers
; pollen yellow. Capsules 3, connected at the
base, obsoletely 3-sided, punctate with numerous small
dots, many seeded. Styles 3, smooth, bluntly triangular,
the points slightly bent outwards. Stigmas very
small, blunt, brown points.
Bulbs of this curious plant Avere brought from the
Cape last Summer by Mr. Synnot, and have flowered
this Spring at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, Avhere our
draAving was made. It is certainly a very curious and
distinct genus, which was first established by Willde-
now, and has been adopted by Link and Sprengel, and
also by Mr. Burchell, in his travels at the Cape, where
another species is described. The bulbs are so exactly
similar to that of a Tulip, that we believe no person
would be able to recognise the difference, without previous
knoAvledge, and it requires precisely the same
sort of treatment; if grown in pots, the best soil is an
equal portion of light turfy loam, peat, and sand; and
the same sort of soil will suit them, if groAvn with other
bulbs in beds in the open air, or any light soil, such as
is used for Tulips, or other bulbs; they should be put
in the ground early in Spring; the latter end of March,
or beginning of April, is the best time, if planted in the
open air; after they have done flowering, and the
stems are beginning to be dried up, the bulbs must be
taken out of the ground, and laid to dry out of the reach
of frost until the following Spring ; or if left in all the
Winter, they Avill require to be well covered with straw
or mats, that the frost may not get at them. If grown
in pots, and kept in frames or in the greenhouse, they
may be planted in October, but will require no water
till they begin to grow, and have filled their pots with
1. One o ftlie flowers en tire , taken from th e other four to show it distinctly.
2. One o f the leaflets o f th e P erian th ium , with one o f the Stamens enclosed
in it, th e limb membranaceous, and the base fleshy. 3. T h e 3 Capsules, all connec
ted a t the base, and te rmin a ted with 3 slightly recurved Styles, and small
brown Stigmas.