ers numerous, in dense whorls, sessile. Bractes numerous,
unequal in length, slihnlately linear, hairy, and
ternnnated hy a very sharp rigid spine. Calyx urceolate,
nairow at the hase, and widening upwards, striate,
slightly puhescent, 5 or sometimes 7-toothed, the teeth
sharp and spiny, fringed with short hairs, the two lower
ones longest and spreading. C'oriiZZ«2-lipped,puhescent,
upper hp nearly flat, spathulate, villous outside, with a
dense tuft ofivool a little helow the point, of a pale lilac
colour; lower lip 3-lohed, side lohes small and reflexed,
middle lohe large and very hroad, of a dark purple, the
sides reflexed. Stamens 4, inserted in the throat, 2 rather
longer than the others: filaments hairy: anthers
2-lohed, lohes parallel. Style slender, puhescent. Stw-
iwa bifid. Seeds 4, triangular, of a glossy brown colour.
11ns pretty annual plant was raised from seed at the
JNursery of Mr. Colvill, where our drawing was. made
AT 1825; the seeds were given him by
Mr. White, who received them from the Brazils; and
Ave are informed by Mr. George Don, that it is very
plentiful there, and also in the different West Indian
islands that he has visited. It succeeds very well with the
treatment of the half hardy annuals, to he sown on a
hot-hed or m the Greenhouse; and when of a sufficient
size to be planted out in the flower borders, where they
will continue to flower all the Summer, and will ripen
abundance of seeds; or if it is not convenient to raise
them according to this method, the seeds may be sown
on a south border, they will then flower later in the season,
but if the Summer proves favourable they will succeed
very well.