PiEONIA villosa.
Villous P(Bony.
Natural Order. R a n u n o u l a c e a : . D C. syst. 1. p . 147.
Tribus V.? P m o n ia c em . Antlierse introrsee; an ordo pro-
prius. D C. prodr. 1. p. 64.
P E O N I A . Supra, fo l. IQ.
Sect. I I . Pjeon. Caulis herbaceus. Discus vix aut non
expansus et carpella imfi basi tantum circumdantia.
** Foliis subtus puberulis.
P . villosa, herbácea, carpellis dense tomentosis erectis apice
subincurvis, foliis glauco-albescentibus subtus villoso-pubes-
centibus : inferioribus subtriternatis ; superioribus ternatis
foliolis pinnatifidis : segmentls oblongo-lanceolatis elongatis
apice subincurvis.
Paeonia villosa. Swt. hort, brit. p. 10. n. 19.
A hardy perennial. Stems several from the same
root, from a foot to 18 inches in height, more or less
flexuose, smooth, slightly angular, of a whitish colour,
terminated by a solitary white flower. Leaves of a
white glaucous colour, underneath densely clothed
with a soft villous down, and short villous hairs:
lower ones generally triternate : upper ones ternate,
with pinnatifid leaflets : segments oblongly lanceolate,
elongated, their points a little incurved, and
tipped with a kind of brown gland. Petioles short
and stout, channelled on the upper side, and rounded
on the lower, densely villous. Peduncle short, bluntly
4-sided. Sepals 5, unequal; the 3 inner ones roundly
obovate, concave, villous underneath, reticulately
V O L . I I . E