ADLUMIA cirrhosa.
Tendì'illed Adlumia.
Natural Order. F u m a r i a c e æ . DC. sy st.n a t.2 . p .l0 5 .
A D L U M IA . Petala i coartata in Corollam mónopetalam
funo-oso-persislentem apice 4-lobam basi bigibbam. Stamina
diadelpha, imæ corollæ inserta, cum eâ persistent.a. Siliqua
bivalvis polysperma, ovali-oblonga, corolla induviala, dehiscens.—
Herba glabra, delicatula, caule subtortili etpetiohs cirrhosis
scandens,'habita Cysticapnum rejerens, ex America boreali
orla. DC. syst. nat. 2. p. 111.
Adlumia cirrhosa. Raf. in Desv. journ.
D C . syst. nat. 2. p . 111. Prodr. 1. p. 120. Swt. hort. brit.
Cteydiiis fungosa. Vent, choix. p. et. 1.19.
Willd. enum. 2. p. 739. P urshfl. amer. sept. 2. p. 403-
Fumaria fungosa. Hort. Kew. ed. L. v . ’3. p. I- e d . v . 4. p.2.}J.
Willd. sp. pi. 3. p. 857.
Biennial. Stems several from the same ro^, simple,
climhing, flexuose or a little twisted, acutely angulai
on the lower part, and channelled with numerous furrows,
the upper part cylindrical or very slightly angular
smooth a n d glaucous, purplish near the hase. Leaves
alternate, distant, slightly glaucous, smooth; lower ones
twice ternate, the others hipinnate; segments ohovate or
ovate, wedge-shaped, petiolate, the points divided into
3 segments, 3-lohed or 3-toothed. Petioles long hear-
in«- tendrils at the point, which are composed of small
reflexed, hooked leaflets. Flowers numerous, m com-
nound racemes. Peduncle grov/mg from the hase of the
tetiole, loose, reflexed, generally 12-flowered, the
hranchlets trifid and 3-flowered. Pedicles smooth, slender,
thickened at the point, the hase hracteate. Bractes
small, linear, acute. Sepals 2, very small, lanceolate,,
V O L . I I . 2 A