Y - i i
DODARTIA orientali^.
Oriental Dodurtia.
Natural Order. S c r o p h u l a r i n æ . Brownp ro d r .l. p .i3 3 .
Sect. I I . Stamina 4 antherifera.
D O D A R T IA . Ga/yxcampanulatus brevis, angulatus, 5-den-
tatus. Corolla tubulosa, limbo 2-labiato, supra emarginato, infrà
latiore et longiore 3-fido. S/iyma bifidum. Capsula globosa
calyce tecta.—Radix repens ; caulis hasi lignosus ; fo lia rara,^
parva, distantia, inferiora opposita, superiora alterna ; ramuU
axillares,ftores laxé spicati terminaleshracteati. Juss.gen. p.I19.
D. orientalis, caule ramoso glabro subnudo, foliis linearibus,
inferioribus serratis superioribus integerrimis glabris.
Dodartia orientalis. Willden. sp. pi. 3. p- 355. Pers. syn. 2.
p. 164. M ill.ic .1. p .8 5 . t .127. Lam.ill. t.SSO. Hort. Kew.
ed. 2. V. 4. p. 52.
Roots perennial, creeping. Stems numerous, from a
foot to 15 inches in height, very much branched, smooth
and glossy, rush-like, resembling Spartium scoparium,
alternately flattened, from one joint to the next, or obsoletely
and bluntly 4-sided: branches spreading, nearly
naked, the leaves being small and very distant. Leaves
sessile, linear, smooth, the margins of the lower ones
distantly toothed, and rather uneven: upper ones short,
distant, acute, entire. Flowers in a terminal raceme or
spike, of a dark purple, with one bracte at the base of
each. Bractes lanceolate, acute, nearly the length of
the calyx. Pedicles very short, or altogether wanting.
Calyx short, hell-shaped, 5-toothed, many angled, the
teeth erect, or slightly spreading, sharp-pointed. Corolla
tubular, two-lipped, upper one shortest, straight,
emarginate: lower one broader and longer, 3-fid or 3-
lobed, side lobes broad and rounded, middle one nar