PHLOX nivalis.
Snow-white Lychnidea.
Natural Order. PoLEMONiACKiE. D. Don in Edinb. phil.
journ. Oct. 1822.
P H L O X . Supra fol. 29.
P . nivalis, caule suffruticoso ramosissimo procumbente : ramis
adscendentibus congestis pubescentibus apice subtrifloris,
foliis linearibus fasciculatis cuspidatis ciliatis recurvis, pedicellis
calycibusque villosis, tubo corollæ calyce duplo longiore;
laciniis obcordatis plicato-lineatis.
Phlox nivalis. Lodd. hot. cab. 780. Swt. hort. hrit. p . 286.
Stem suffruticose, very much hranched, procumhent;
branches crowded, ascending, thickly clothed with short
woolly hairs, and generally terminated with three flowers.
Leaves clustered, upper ones opposite, clasping
the stem, linear, rigid, hroad at the hase, with a sharp
point, smooth and glossy, from ahout the middle recurved,
the margins fringed with woolly hairs. Peduncles
nodding, about double the length of the calyx,
thickly clothed with short villous hairs. Calyx 5-angular,
5-toothed, densely clothed with short spreading
villous hairs, teeth linear, rigid, sharp-pointed, slightly
spreading, scarcely as long as the tube. Corolla funnel-
form, of a snowy white; tube slender, about double the
length of the calyx; limb 5-cleft, divaricately spreading;
segments obcordate, emarginate, slightly plaited,
and striated with numerous lines, which are a little
branched. Stamens 5, inserted in the tube at various
distances:filamentsYery short and smooth i/JoZZew orange-
coloured. Germera smooth and glossy. YZj/Zeshort, smooth.
Stigma trifid, the segments about the length of the style,
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