Winged-flowered Cornflag.
Natural Order. I r id eæ . Brown prodr. p.302.
G L A D IO LU S . Supra fol. 155.
6 . alatus, foliis rigidis plicato-nervosis pubescentibus, perianthii
lacinia suprema obovata erecto-recurva : lateralibus
rhombeo-ovatis patentibus apice recurvis ; inferioribus spatu-
latis acutis dependentibns.
Gladiolus alatus. Linn. sp. pi. 53. K e r B o t. mag. 586. Andrews’s
reposit. 8. Hort. Kew. ed.2. » .I . p. 97. Rcemer et
Schult. syst. 1. p. 416 et p. 426. Spreng. sy s t. veg. I . p . 152.
Bulb-tuber small, flattish, clothed with a hrown
fihrous coat, which is deciduous, and slips olf, when the
plant is in full growth, leaving the hulh hare, and of a
glossy white colour. Leaves rigid, narrowly ensiform, or
lanceolate, outer ones hlunt, inner ones more acute,
strongly nerved and plaited, tapering to the hase, and
sheathing the stem, of a pale green colour ; nerves numerous,
longitudinal, pubescent, as is also the margins.
Scape longer than the leaves, flexuose, sharply triquetrous,
the leaves and sheaths running decurrent down it
from one joint to the next. Spatha 2-valved, outer one
half as long again as the inner, convolute, sharply keeled,
striated with many small lines, blunt, and tipped with
red : inner one convolute, of a thinner texture, and also
much striated, bifid at the point. Perianthium irregular,
widely spreading : tube very short, about 5 times shorter
than the spathe : upper segment of the limb erect, or
slightly recurved, ohovate, tapering to the base, the margins
slightly recurved, of a bright orangy scarlet, lighter
in the centre, much veined: those by the side rhomboidally
ovate, broad, spreading, points recurved, of a