'if i :
length of the flowers, white and transparent. Perianthium
nearly equal, the three inner leaflets distinct to
the hase, rather shortest and smallest, narrow at the
hase Avith a dilated point, 3 oúter ones connected nearly
half their length, the points slightly curved inwards,
tipped Avith a brownish green spot. Stamens 6, inserted
in the hase of the perianthium, and exserted far beyond
the mouth, their points ascending, and the lower
ones longest: filaments smooth and glossy, inserted in
the back of the anthers, gradually tapering upwards,
about twice the length of the perianthium; anthers
2-celled; pollen pale yellow. Ovarium triangular,
3-celled. Style smooth, about the length of the stamens,
also ascending. Stigma a simple point.
This singular plant is another of the rarities that
were brought from the Cape by Mr. Synnot, last Summer,
and flowered this Spring at the Nursery of Mr.
Colvill, where our draAving was made; the shape of
the leaves, and the patches at their back, immediately
give the idea of some species of Snake.
This Species, and all the others of the genus, many
of Avhich are very beautiful, will succeed well, if planted
out in a warm border, composed of a light sandy
so il; the bulbs may be taken up in Autumn ; or if left
in the ground, they Avill need to be well covered in
severe frosts; they will also thrive well in pits or frames,
planted in a mixture of loam, peat, and sand, requiring
to be covered only in severe frosty weather ; they will
also succeed well in pots, letting the mould get quite
dry after they have done flowering, or the bulbs will be
apt to ro t; just before they begin to grow afresh, they
should have all the old dry mould shook from them,
and must be potted in fresh sandy soil, when they Avill
soon make young roots, and Avill then require a supply
of water; any that shoAV floAver may be removed to an
airy part of a Greenhouse, the others may remain in
frames all the Winter, but Avill require to be covered
in frosty weather.
1. The Bulb. 2. The 6 Segments o f the P erian th ium , with the Stamens inserted
in the base. 3. The trian g u la r Germen, te rmin a ted by a smooth slender
Style and small simple Stigma.