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ORCHIS Rivini.
Rivimis's Orchis.
Natural Order. OxLCHiDEÆ.. Brown p ro d r .\. p.369.
S e c t.I . M o n a n d r æ . adnata subterminalis persistens.
Pollinis massæ e lobulis angulatis elastice cohærentibus ;
basi affixæ. Brown in Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 5. p. 188.
OR CH IS . Supra, fo l. 65.
O. Rivini, labello tripartite punctato-scabro : laciniis lateralibus
apice dijatatis ; intermedia biloba obtusa cum mucrone inter-
jecto, perianthii foliolis acutis conniventibus, cornu inflato
obtuso germine subæquali vel paulo breviore, bracteis lanceolatis
acuminatis germine duplo brevioribus.
Orchis Rivini. Gouan. illust. t. 74. O. militaris. Hall. helv.
t. 28.
Orchis mascula. Rivin. hexapet. 1 .16. hona.
O. latifolia hiante cucullo major. Vail. par. 148. f. 3 1 ./. 24.
Root consisting- of two fleshy bulbs, from the top of
which are produced some long fleshy fibrous roots.
Leaves ovate or broadly lanceolate, lower ones bluntish,
concave on the upper side aud bluntly keeled on
the lower, striated with faint longitudinal lines : stem-
ones narrower, convolute, clasping the stem, taper-
pointed. Scape leafy, angular, striate, smooth and
glossy. Flowers rather crowded, in a close compact
oval spike. Brades membranaceous, lanceolate, ta
pering to a fine point, about half the length of the germen.
Germen angular, twisted. Leaflets o f the P e r ianthium
connivent and adhering, arched over, pale ash
colour on the outside, the inside elegantly striped with
purple lines, oblong or broadly lanceolate and acute,
middle one rather broadest and concave on the inside ;
two inner ones linear, of a bright purple. Lahellum
3-parted, of a light purple, the upper side spotted with
little tufts of short dark purple hairs ; side-segments
linear, widened near the point ; middle one lengthened
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