D IN E TU S racemosiis.
Cluster-flowered Dine tus.
N atural Order. C o n v o lv u l a c e æ . Brown prodr. 4%\.
Sect. I. Ovarium unicum.
D IN E T U S . Calyx 5-partitus, persistens: laciniis corolla
brevioribus, in fructu patentibus majoribus. Corolla infundi-
buliformis : limbo 5-partito, laciniis acutis. Stylus indivisos.
Stigma capitatum, subbilobum. Capsula membranacea, monosperma.
Semina rugosa. Cotyledones acutæ, tridentate.
D. racemosus, caule volubili verrucoso-pubescente, foliis cordatis
acuminatis nervosis reticulatis utrinque pubescentibus,
raoemis paniculatis divaricatis axillaribus et terminalibus :
ramis ramulisque dicliotomis, calycibus subbirsutis tubo corolla;
Dinetus. Hamilton in Herb. Lamb.
Porana racemosa. Roxburgh in Fior. Ind. 2. p . 41. Don
prodr. f l . nepal. p. 98. Spreng, syst. veg. 2. p . 614.
Annual. Stem climbing, more or less branched, very
much Avarted, thickly clothed Avith short hairs, as are
the leaves, petioles, and peduncles. Leaves entire,
cordate, with long taper points, rounded at the base,
hairy on both sides, of a light glossy green, strongly
3-nerved from the base, thé nerves reticulately branched.
Petioles shorter than the leaves, furrowed on tlie upper
side, and rounded on the lower. Racemes axillary, and
terminal, the terminal ones panicled, on long slender
peduncles. Bractes persistent, varying in size, the
loAver one leaf-like, broadly cordate, acute, reticulate,
pubescent, upper ones much smaller. Pedicles short,
slightly nodding, densely pubescent. Calyx short,
densely pubescent, 5-cleft, segments lanceolate, concave,
scarcely acute. Corolla funnel-form, of a pure
Avhite; tube about half as long again as the calyx;
limb 5-cleft, stellately spreading, segments about the
length of the tube, oblongly obovate, concave, and
terminated abruptly in a short acute point Stamens 5,
inserted in the tube; filaments short and smooth.
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