faint lines. Stamens 5, inserted in the hase of the tuhe,
and scarcely reaching half way to the mouth: filaments
very short, scarcely any, inserted in the hase of the anthers
: anthers hroad at the hase and tapering to the
point, connivent, Uvo-lohed, bursting at the point to
emit the pollen, which is of a pale yellow. Germen
downy. Style exserted beyond the mouth, thickest and
slightly hairy at the base, and tapering and quite smooth
upwards. Stigma a small dark obsolete point.
Our drawing of this delightfully fragrant species
was taken from a fine plant sent to us in full bloom
from the Nursery of Mr. Joseph Knight in the King’s-
road, in August la st; at the time we received it, there
were ten elegant full blown flowers on it, besides some
buds, the fragrance of which exceeds almost every other
plant with which we are acquainted, as it is so very
agreeable as well as powerful; we had been long Avish-
ing to see the C. europceum, which we only knew by
Jacquin’s figure, the plant sold by that name at the
nurseries being nothing but the British hedercefolium,
of which there are several varieties in the form of their
leaves; it also varies with white, and flesh-coloured
floAvers. This genus, it is hoped, will soon get better
understood, as we believe all the described species of
it, and some others, are now in the collections of this
country. Mr. Knight received the present plant from
Hungary, and bulbs of it have been received in other
collections from Switzerland; it succeeds best in a
light sandy soil, and may either be grown in pots, or
in a dry warm border, as the roots will be liable to be
injured if too much wet remains about them; growing
them in pots is the most convenient method, as they
can then be removed into the house when in flower ;
like the other species, it maybe increased by seeds,
which will ripen plentifully with care.
1. Calyx. 2. The tu b e o f the Corolla spread open, to show the insertion o f the
Stamens, and th e ir length. 3. Germen terminated by th e Style, which is hairy
a t the hase, and smooth upwards.
i f