leaves; but as the branch lengthens, they are at a
greater distance from each other. Calyx 4-parted, superior
; segments narrow, concave, bluntish, of a reddish
colour, lower one at a distance from the others, and
much larger. Corolla of 4 petals; the two upper ones
linear, bluntish, of a bright lilac, pointed a little above
the base, and on each joint is a small pellucid gland :
two side ones larger, with long claws; lamina roundly
obovate, of a light lilac, with a dark red mark at the
base, which extends part of the way down the unguis.
Stamens 2, inserted in the receptacle: 1 fertile and
1 sterile, the fertile one enclosed in the other; filament
wide at the base, and grooved inwards, so as partly
to enclose the style ; upper part, near the anther, slender,
elastic, and springing back as soon as clear of the
other; the anther then discharges its pollen: anthers
2-celled, attached to the filament at the base : barren
stamen white, obovate, concave, connivent, or sides
folded in, enclosing the fertile stamen and pistil, but
as soon as touched it springs back with an elasticity
which sets them at liberty. Germen below the calyx,
of a glossy green. Style smooth, at first shorter than
the stamen, but growing beyond it. Stigma capitate,
slightly bearded. Capsule globular, berried.
This curious annual plant will succeed well if sown
in a warm border, about the middle of April; it is also
well to sow some seeds of it on a gentle hot-bed, to
bring them forward earlier, as they can then be planted
in the flower borders, where required; in rich light
soil they will attain the height of 18 inches or 2 fe e t;
it is very well worth a place in the garden, on account
of its singular structure, for, by touching the barren
stamen, it immediately springs back with an elasticity,
in much the same manner as the stamens in Schizan-
Drawn at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, last Summer.
1. Calyx, showing the unequal spreading segments. 2. T h e 4 P e ta ls , the
2 u p p er ones showing the gland on the jo in t. 3. B a rre n Stamen. 4. F e rtile
Stamen. S. Style, te rmin a ted by the b e a rded Stigma.