ECHIUM australe.
Oval-leaved Vipers-liugloss.
Natural Order. B o r a g in e æ . Brown prodr. A02.
Div. I I I . Fructus gymno-tetraspermus. Faux corollæ
nuda. Planlce plerumque herbacece et asperee. Juss. gen. 130.
E C H IU M . Calyx 5-partitus. Corolla tubo brevi, limbo
ampliore campanulato, oblique 5-lobo inæquali. Stigma 2-fidum.
Flores spicati aut spicalo-paniculati, in spiculis secundi. Species
queedam suffrutescentes. Juss. loc. cit.
E. australe, caule tuberculato-bispido diffuso, foliis caulinis
ovatis utrinque attenuatis, spica dicbotoma, staminibus corol-
lamsubfflquantibus calyce duplo longioribus.
Ecbium australe. Lam. ili. p . 413. Fers. syn. 1. p . 164.
Rcem. et Schult. syst. 4. p. 720.
Annual. Stem spreading, forked, more or less
branched, thickly clothed with small brown tubercles,
and spreading hairs; from a foot to 18inches in height;
Leaves ovate, tapering at both ends, the upper side
covered with minute rough tubercles, and both sides
with small rigid hairs, strongly veined underneath:
root leaves petiolate, stem ones sessile. Spikes secund,
or the flowers all facing one way, lengthening as the
flowers expand. Bractes leaf-like, sessile, cordate,
tapering towards the point, very rough. Calyx 5-parted,
increasing in size with the seeds ; segments lanceolate,
acute, uueiiual, the upper ones smallest, hispidly hairy.
Corolla large, tubular, unequal, more than double the
length of the calyx, of a reddish purple, changing to
blue as it fades, strongly ribbed, hairy: limb unequally
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