unguis, about the middle are two ears, oue ou each
side, spreadiug, acute, generally bifid, but sometimes
simple, and at the point above the hollow is a sharp
mucrone, slightly hooked, underneath and the Avhole
back of the petal densely pubescent, Avith a feAV long,
jointed hairs, seated on a sort of gland at the back.
Scales 5, erect, enclosing the style, alternate with the
petals, also inserted in the base of the calyx, ovate,, entire
rounded at the point, concave, the margins fringed,
3-ribbed at the back, and producing 3 hair-like aristas
near the base, yellow with a reddish purple ring near
the point, and the point also of the same colour. Sta mens
numerous, 10 sterile owes opposite to the scales,
2 of them enclosed in each, shorter than the fertile
ones : fertile ones in 5 fascicles opposite to the petals,
and enclosed in them before the bursting of the anthers,
they then ascend and surround the style, passing between
the 5 scales : filaments smooth, distinct to the
base; anthers erect, 2-lobed, each lobe furrowed, which
gives the appearance of being 4-celled in a young state.
Style erect, simple, hairy, longer than the stamens.
Capsule nearly globular, 8-ribbed, twisted, every alternate
rib double the size of the other, 5-valved, the valves
flat, and all meeting in the centre, many seeded. Seeds
oblong, very rugged and uneven, of a dark brown colour.
Seeds of this curious and interesting plant Avere given to Mr.
Colvill by Mr. Hunneman this Spring, and from a plant raised
from them our drawing was taken in July last; it is a native of
Chili, and has been named in compliment to the celebrated Naturalist,
Professor Blumenbach; it is readily distinguished from
all the other genera of the order by its 5-valved capsule, besides
other distinctions; and in comparing it with Loasa tricolor of
the Botanical Begister, we perceived that was also a very distinct
genus from LoASA, as constituted by Kunth, differing in
several respects, particularly by its semisuperior capsule and
large seeds. The present plant succeeds well as a hardy annual,
either to be sown in a warm border, or in pots in a frame, and
then to be planted in the open ground, thriving best in a rich
light soil; it may also be increased by cnttings, which root readily,
and it will probably survive as a perennial if protected in
the greenhouse, or in frames, in Winter.
— —
1. Germen te rmina ted by th e deeply 5-cleft Calyx. 2. Back view o f one of
th e 5 Scales, to show the 3 ribs a t the back. 3. Side view o f th e same, showing
the 3 little bristle like appendages n e a r the base. 4. Two o f th e b arren S ta mens,
which a re enclosed in one o f the scales. 6, Stamens in 5 fascicles, which,
before th e bursting o f the Anthers, are enclosed in the 5 p e ta ls ; b u t as soon as
th e Anthers b u rs t they become e rec t, and surround the style. 6. One o f the
An th ers d etached, to show the 2 -d istin c t lobes, with a channel down each.
7. Germen terminated by the u n d iv id ed sty le . 8. Capsule divested o f the o u tside,
to show the 5 divisions, which a re all distinct in the c e n tre . 9.,Seed-.
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