the anthers : anthers 2-lohed, the lohes divaricately
spreading, quite distinct, except at the points: pollen
orange-coloured. NfyZe enclosed in the tuhe, smooth and
slender. Stigmas 3, each 2-cleft, dilated and jagged,
and each segment fringed on the inside with a large pencil
like tuft of fringe, which is speckled with hrown,
yellow, and purple.
The present curious plant is another of the species
already mentioned hy us as heing introduced from the
Cape hy Mr. Synnot, and flowered at the Nursery of
Mr. Colvill, where our drawing was made; different
hulhs that flowered, varied considerably in the colour
of their flowers, but they are readily distinguished from
all the other species, by the divaricate lobes of the anthers,
which very much resemble some of the Orchi-
deous plants; another very curious species has flowered
at Mr. Colvill’s Nursery, whicli we have named
F. angustifolia in our Hortus Britannicus; it has very
narrow subulately linear leaves, and a greenish flower,
somewhat resembling F. antherosa, which species Ave
helieve is also in the same collection, but has not yet
flowered. The present species thrives well in a light
sandy soil, or an equal mixture of light turfy loam, peat,
and sand,will suit it very well. Its bulbs Avill succeed Avell
if planted by the side of a wall in a southern aspect, and
to be covered with mats or straAV in frosty weather;
they will also succeed well in pits or frames, to be
covered up in frosty weather; or if grown in beds in
the open air with other bulbs, they must be well covered
in Winter, or the bulbs may be taken up in Autumn
after flowering, and planted again in Spring; if grown
in pots, and kept in the Greenhouse or frames, they
will require to be kept quite dry after flowering, and to
he potted in fresh mould in October or November, and
as they begin to grow they will need some water, which
must be increased by degrees: it increases by offsets
from the bulbs.
1. One o f the outer segments of the P erian th ium . 2. One of the in n e r smaller
ones. 3. T h e thre e Stamens connected into a long tube , the points distinct, showing
the two-lobed Anther, tlie lobes very much d iva ricate, and only connected
a t the point, very mnch like an Orchideons plant. 4. Germen, terminated by
th e Style, and 3 b ip a rtite Stigmas te rmin a ted in pencil-like tufts o f fringe.
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