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LUCULIA gratissima.
Delightfully fra g ran t Luculia.
Natural Order. R u b i a c e æ . Juss. g e n .\9 6 .
Sect. IV . Gà RDBNIEÆ. Bacca bilocularis ; loculis polysper-
L U C U L IA . Calyx 5-sepalus ; sepalis subæqualibus deci-
dnus. Corolla iufandibuliformis, tubo lougo vix supra dilatato,
limbo piano 6-partito. Anthera oblongæ mtra “ bu^m sute
sessiles semiexsertæ. Stigmata2, carnosa. Ovarium oUoagom
carnosum, apice coronatum, 2 - l o c u l a r e ; loculis poly^crmis.
Bacca.;’ 2-locularis. Dissepimentum pw&Wdxxm. Semina vamo.
ta, dense imbricata, apice breve membranacea.
L. qratissima, foliis ellipticis acuminatis multinerviis supra glabris
subtus nervisque villosis, sepalis linearibus obtusiusculis,
tubo corollæ limbo duplo longiore.
L u c u l i a g r a t i s s im a . Swt. hort. briL p. 197.
Cinchona gratissima. Wallich in Flor. Ind. vol. -..p . !^4.
Mnssænda Lnculia. Hamilton Mss. D . Don Prodr. Flor. Ne-
L^culi S\ra. Nawaricè. Leclioni S wa. P arbuticè ex Don. I. cit.
A small tree in Nepaul, according to-Wallich ; our specimen
was from a shrub 9 feet high ; branches opposite, dotted, slightly
pubescent. Leaves opposite, spreading, the largest in our plant,
about 8 inches long, and nearly 4 broad in tbe widest part, tapering
at both ends, and ending in a taper point, the upper side
smooth, of a bright green ; underneath of a lighter colour,
strondv nerved with numerous parallel oblique nerves, and reticulately
veined, the nerves densely clothed wHh short villous
down and a little bunch of down in the axils of each. Petioles
short’and stout, slightly pubescent. Stipules deciduous clasping
the stem,lanceolately linear, and terminated in along channelled
taper point. Cyme terminal, with opposite branches, densely
clothed with a soft white villous pubescence. Bractes opposite,
under each division, and at the base of the pedicles, linear, tapei-
pointed, deciduous, the greatest part of them dropping before
the flowers are overblown. Pedicles short, very downy, the
middle ones much the shortest. Flowers large and showy ot a
beautiful pink, or light rose-colour, generally in threes, delightfully
fragrant. Calyx of 5 sepals, which are liaear, bluntish, of a
pale red below, with green tips, slightly pubescent on the outside,
V o l . I I . N