CHRYSANTHEMUM tiipartitum.
Trifid-leaved Chrysanthemum.
Natural Order. CoMPOSiTiE. Adansonfatn.2.103.
Subordo V I I I . A nthem id e je . K th . synops. 2. p. 513.
C H R Y S A N T H EM U M . IziuoZìimmot hemisphffiricum, poly-
phyllum; foliolis imbricatis, coriaceis, margine scariosis. Receptaculum
convexum, nudum. Flosculi disci tubulosi, bermaphro-
diti; radii ligulati, feminei. Akenia ungulata, apice calva.—
Herbae, rarissime suffrutices. Folia alterna, ìntegra, incisa et
pinnatifida. Flores terminales, peduncidati; radio luteo, albo
aut roseo. Ktli. loc. cit. p. 513—514.
C. tripartitum, caule erecto basi suffruticoso, foliis petiolatis
tripartitis basi rotundato-cordatis supra scabriusculis subtus
tomentoso-pubescentibus ; segmentis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis
sinuatis acute dentatis, pedunculis terminalibus corymboso
paniculatis, radiis 2-3-dentatis foliolis involucri duplo
Chrysanthemum indicum. Pers. syn. v. 2. p. 461. excl. synon.
Perennial. Stems 2 to 3 feet in height, frutescent at
the hase, and sometimes remaining alive for 2 or 3
years, more or less hranched : branches slightly angular,
clothed irregular with an entangled tomentum, or
decumbent woolly hairs. Leaves petioled, three-parted,
roundly cordate at the base, the upper side clothed
with short hairs, that are seated on minute tubercles,
which gives it a roughish appearance; underneath 3-
nerved from the base, and thickly clothed with decumbent
branching woolly hairs : segments oblongly-lanceolate,
acute, more or less sinuate, and toothed Avith
sharp unequal teeth. PeZtoZe slightly winged. Stipules
small, flat, horizontal, ovate, bluntish, sometimes unequal
sided, and slightly toothed. Flowers terminal,
V O L . II. 2 B