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E i J m t t h J i t l
PATRINIA scabiossefolia.
Scabious-leaved Patrinia.
Natural Order. Valeriane^:. D C .f l.f r . ed. 3. u. 4. p. 418.
P A T R IN I A . Calyx denticulatis superus bractea laterali suf-
fultus persistens. Corolla regularis 5-loba. Stamina 4-5. Capsula
3-locu arls, loculis 2 abortientibus. Spreng. syst. veg. v . l . p . 365.
V.scabiosafolia, foliis radicalibus oblongis acutis inciso-serratis
lyratisque : caulinis pinnatifidis ; lacinia terminali maxima, floribus
Patrinia scabiosEefolia. Fisch. Mss. Spreng. s y s t.l.p .3 8 5 .
A herbaceous perennial. Stems several from the same
root, smooth, terminated with a panicled corymb of
small yellow flowers, from a foot to 18 inches in height.
Leaves at the root, oblongly or elliptically lanceolate,
or ovate, acute, attenuated at the base and down the
petiole, deeply cut or serrate, the teeth again serrated
or toothed, underneath reticulately veined, the nerves
thinly clothed with spreading hairs: the next leaves are
lyrate or suhpinnatifid, the terminal segment very large,
elliptic or elliptically lanceolate, side ones unequal,
spreading, the lower edge deeply serrate, upper one very
slightly so : stem-leaves pinnatifid, segments lanceolate
and acute, the terminal one much the largest, deeply and
sharply serrate, side ones narrower, more or less toothed
or entire. Flowers in a spreading panicled corymbus,
continually forked. Peduncles furred with fascicles of
short brown hairs. Bractes small, linear, smooth or very
slightly pubescent. Pedicles very short, or scarcely any.
Calyx denticulate, or toothed with very small teeth.
Corolla of 1 petal, regularly 5-lobed, yellow. Stamens
4 or 5. Strde 1, smooth. Stigma small, capitate.
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