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Rose-coloured Spiderwort.
Natural Order. C o m m e l i n e í e . Brownprodr. p . 268.
T R A D E S C A N T IA . Perianthium profunde sexpartitum;
foliolis interioribus petaloideis. Stamina Ó, fertilia; filamenta vil-
lis articulatis: anthera, loculis magis miuusve disjunctis. Capsula
3-locularis. <SenM'wapapillaembryotegainstructa.— Habitus Com-
melinm. Umbellae vel racemi terminalia vel axillaria, solitaria,
gemina vel plura, nuda.
T. rosea, erecta, foliis liueari-gramineis carinatis acutis glabris
basi ciliatis, scapo folioso, pedunculis elongatis erectis, umbel-
lis plurifloris, periantbiis glabris.
Tradescantia rosea. Mich.jl. amer. 1. p . 193. Pursh Jl. amer. 1.
p . 218. Venten. cels. 24. Redouie liliac. 94. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.
V. 2. p . 204.
A hardy herbaceous perennial. Roots fleshy, throwing
up numerous stalkless branches in a close tuft. Leaves
numerous, crowded, linear, grass-like, keeled on the
lower side, and channelled on the upper, obsoletely lined,
smooth, and dotted all over with innumerable minute
dots, that can scarcely be seen without a lens; stem-ones
fringed at thebase where they clasp the stem, with long
white hairs. Scape short, leafy, smooth, slightly angular,
producing several peduncles. Peduncles erect, cylindrical,
thickest at the base, and gradually tapering upwards,
smooth. Umbels several-flowered. Pedicles
smooth, lengthened out as the flower arrives at maturity
; surrounded at the base by a fleshy transparent
sheath, which is terminated in unequal teeth. Perianthium
deeply 6-parted; the 3 outer leaflets calyx like,
oval, smooth, concave, scarcely acute, of a brownish
green colour; 3 inner ones petal-like, spreading, hroadly