PAPAV ER horrìdum.
Prickly-stalked Poppy.
Natural Order. P a p a v e r a c e æ . DC. syst. 2. p. 67.
P A P A Y E R . Supra, fo l. 172. ^ ■ s
§ I I . Capsulis glabris (a u t apice tantum parcè pilosis).
P . horridum, capsulis glabris ellipsoideis, sepafe bispidis, caule
paucifloro setis rigidis bispidissimo, folus subamplexicaulibus
glaucis sinuato-pinnatifidis lobulis apice et mnervis setigeris.
D C .s y s t.v e g .2 .p .7 9 . Prodr. syst. vegA. p. 119.
Papaver horridum. Spreng. syst. v. 2. p. 570. Swt. hort. brit.
Annual. Stem erect, from a foot to 18 inches in
heiffht, much branched, of a glaucous colour, irregularly
clothed with strong rigid prickle like setae, some
of which are strong enough to enter the fingers, amongst
those are other smaller and weaker one s: setw straight,
horizontally spreading; young branches more thickly
beset with bristles. Leaves oblong, deeply sinuatemr
pinnatifid, of a light green,
unequally more or less cut and toothed the teeth and
segments terminated with sharp rigid bristfes, the
nerves at the back of the leaves are also thickly but
irregularly beset with straight rigid bristles. Root-
petiolate, pinnatifid: sZm owes distant, sessile,
clasping the stem at the base, deeply sinuate. Peduncles
terminal and axillary, elongated, cylindrical, glaucous,
less setose than the stems, and the setse weaker.
Calyx of 2 sepals, ovate, d e n s e l y clothed with innumerable
softer bristles: sepals deciduous. PeZaZs4 t o 6,
obovate, crumpled, of a very thin texture, of a light
orange colour. Stamens 40 to 50, about the length of
the germen: filaments slender, smooth: pollen pale
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