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perfect seeds. Florets o f the disk numerous, tubular, 5-
c left; the segments tipped Avith purple and fringed.
Stamens 5 : anthers naked, connected into a tube, the
filaments smooth and distinct. Style smooth, longer than
the stamens. Stigma deeply 2-cleft, the segments spreading
or reflexed, their points clubbed and fimbriate. Seed
long, linear, clothed Avith a rough pubescence, and
croAvned Avith an unequal pappus of 3 paleaceous scales,
Avhich vary considerably on the different seeds, but one
is double the length of the shortest, linearly subulate and
fringed; another is unequal in length, the other is short
and broad, truncate, and encloses the floret.
Our draAving of this neAv and beautiful species of Ta-
getes Avas taken from some fine plants at the Nursery
of Mr. Colvill, in October last, Avhere it had been raised
from seed kindly presented to him by Mrs. Sutton, the
Lady of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who had received
them from Mexico, with many other curious seeds of
rare plants, many of which are raised, and thriving well
at Mr. Colvill’s Nursery: the present species is certainly
one of the handsomest, and we believe the most stately
of the genus; the plants from which our drawing was
made being between 3 and 4 feet high, quite upright,
and only branching near the top, Avhere they were terminated
in a large corymb of flowers, a great many of
which were in bloom at the same time; amongst them
were two varieties, the present subject,-and one with
entirely yellow flowers, but no other difference that Ave
could perceive; our seeds being sown so late in the
season, we were obliged to remove some of the plants in
the Greenhouse to ripen their seeds, where they have continued
to bloom all the Winter, and will, without doubt,
produce abundance of seeds this Spring ; as it is a late
bloomer, the seeds should be sown early in Spring,
either in a south border, or in a Greenhouse or Hotbed,
and when of sufficient size, they may be planted in the
open borders.
1. The tubular Involucre. 2. The naked do tted Rec eptac le. 3. One o f the
Rays, showing the bifid Stigma, and the seed with the pappus o f 3 nearly equal ’
paleaceous scales. 4. Flo re t o f the disk spread open, to show the fringed segments,
and the 5 connected anthers and distinct filaments. 5. Style, terminated
by a bifid clubbed Stigma, whicli is slightly fringed, fl. Seed, from a floret o f
the disk, terminated by 3 unequal scales.