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£l>Jmt.th J)eZ. Ti,.l.by. R fvrrrf- Jefi 1326- d d M fc.
SALVIA interrupta.
Ash-leaved Sage.
Natural Order. L a b ia t ìE. Brown prodr. 199.
S A L V IA . Supra, fo l. 26.
Sect. 1. Calyce trilobo ampliato.—f f . Foliis divisis et com-
S. interrupta, caule frutescente erecto, foliis interrupte pinnatis :
foliolis oblongo-lanceolatis rugosis erosis subtus incanis inæ-
quilateralibus, bracteis ovatis brevissimis, calycibus villoso-
viscosis trilobis:. lobo superiore tridentato; dente intermedio
Salvia interrupta. Schousb. maroc. p . 6. t. 1. Vahl enumer. 1.
p . 226. Willd. enum. 1. p. 44. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. u. 1. p . 65.
Roem. et Schult. syst. v. 1. p . 218. Spreny. syst. veg. 1. p. 57.
Stem frutescent, erect, the lower part cfothed with a
brown bark, which scales off at different times, the upper
part densely clothed with short villous hairs, also
viscous. Leaves opposite, crossing each other, about a
span or more in length, interruptedly pinnate, the petioles
dilated, and clasping the stem at the base, and running
down the stem, which forms a prominent angle, also
clothed with short villous unequal hairs : larger leaflets
generally 5, side ones mostly opposite, with short footstalks,
terminal one much the largest, generally 3 inches
in length, the lower ones shortest and smallest ; all oblong,
or oblongly lanceolate, acute, or sometimes bluntish,
very unequal sided, rugose, the margins crenate or
erose, of a glossy green on the upper side, and smooth
on the oldest leaves, the younger ones hairy ; underneath
reticulately veined, and clothed with a thin white tomentum
; small leaflets, which are betwixt the others,
very unequal in size, sessile, round, opposite or alternate,
their marginsrecurved, al^o unequal sided. Flower-
stems long, bluntly quadrangular. Flowers in a whorled
spike, the whorls at some distance from each other,
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