smooth and glossy, sides folded in, so as to leave a
laige channel in the centre, outside striped with numerous
small longitudinal lines. Scape pointed, more
or less branched, from a foot to 15 inches high, from
each joint grows a sheath, about 3 inches long. Sheaths
stnjied with numerous dark green lines, which are
crossed here and there, the lower part tubular, clasping
the stem, the upper part membranaceous, and ta-
pei mg to a point. Perianthium with a long slender
nearly cylindrical tube, of a greenish Avhite, irregu-
taiiy marked with a few red streaks; divided above
into 6 petal-like segments, of a bright blue colour:
outer segments unguiculate, from about the middle
ovate, reflexed a little, the points broadly emarginate,
with a small mucro in the middle, from the bend to
the base tuberculately bearded in a longitudinal yellow
line, and spotted Avith purple on each side, terminated
above the bend in a large white patch, from which a
jniiple line runs to the point : inner segments scarcely
lalf the size of the outer ones, also emarginate with a
rnncro at the point. Stamens 3 : filaments smooth.
Anthers linear, sharp-pointed. Pollen white. Style
sdender, smooth, terminated by 3 forked petal-like
. of this interesting species was taken
at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, from a plant that had
been given him in Autumn by Professor Tenore : it is
a native oi Naples, and requires to be planted in a
dry warm border of light sandy soil, or, if planted in
a pot, m an equal mixture of light turfy loam, peat,
and sand, and protected in a frame in Winter, it will
succeed A^ry Avell. This species is nearly related to
loræa Sisyrinchium, but differs siifliciently in the
s lape of its petals, and its membranaceous, not leafy
s leatlis ; it continues floAveriiig in succession for a
considerable time ; the floAvers last in bloom about as
long as the otlier species of the genus, the name fuse ax
IS therefore very inappropriate.
3 2. One o ftlie in n e r segments.
3. I h e 3 Stmncns. 4. Style te rmin a ted by 3 forked p etal-like Stigmas.