CYCLAMEN repandum.
Angular-leaved Cyclamen.
Natural Order. Primulaceæ. Brown prodr. 427.
C Y C L AM E N . Supra, fo l. 9.
C. repandum, foliis cordatis repandis minuto denticulatis, petiolis
pedunculisque tuberculato-pubescentibus, laciniis co-
rollffi oblongis obtusis.
Cyclamen repandum. SiMhorpß. grcec. t.l8 6 . Smith prodr.
fl. grac. l . p. 128. n. 445. Rwm. et Schult, sijst. 4. p. 131.
Link enum. 1. p. 159. Spreng, syst. veg. 1. p . 572.
Cyclamen hedercefolium. Bot. mag. 1001?
Root tuberous, not so large as many others of the
genus. Leaves cordate, widely expanded at the base,
unequally angular, terminated with a short white
bluntish mucro, more or less denticulate or toothed
with very small Avhite teeth ; upper side pale green,
variegated Avith Avhite ; underneath of a bright reddish
purple, strongly nerved, the nerves branching. P e tioles
furroAved on the upper side and rounded on the
lower, clothed with minute tubercles and broAvn pubescence.
Peduncles about the length of the petioles,
cylindrical, gradually tapering upwards, also covered
Avith minute broAvn tubercles, and more densely pubescent
than the petioles. Flowers nodding, of a bright
pink with lighter points. Calyx campanulate, deeply
5-cleft, the segments ovate, acute, variegated with
purple veins. Corolla Avith a globular inflated tube ;
segments oblong, blunt or rounded at the points, reflexed
backwards so as to hide the calyx. Stamens 5,
inserted in the base of the tube, and included within
the mouth : filaments very short, scarcely observable ;
anthers cordate or inclining to sagittate at the base,
the points acute and connivent. Style smooth, gradually
tapering upwards, nearly double the length of
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