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ACERAS anthropophora.
Green-man Aceras.
Natural Order. O r c h i d e æ . Brown p r o d r .l.p . 609.
Sect. I. M o n a n d r æ . Anthera adnata subterminalis persistens.
Pollinis massa e lobulis angulatis elastice cohærentibus :
basi affixæ. Brown Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 5. p. J-88.
A C E R A S . Perianthium ringens. Labellum ecalcaratum.
Glandula pedicellorum pollinis cucullo communi inclusæ.
A. anthropophora,\aheWo germine longiore. Brown Hort. Kew.
ed. 2. V. 5. p . 191. Smith comp. flor. brit. ed. 4. p . 143.
Ophrys anthropophora. Willden. sp.pl. 1 . p .6 3 . Sm. Eng. hot.
t. 29.
Root solid, consisting of 2 roundly oval fleshy tubers,
above which are several fleshy fibres, which nourish the
plant for the season. Leaves several, ovately or broadly
lanceolate, lower ones bluntish, upper ones acute,
sheathing the scape, longitudinally lined, and reticulately
veined. Scape a foot to 18 inches in height, leafy,
more or less angular. Spike 9 inches to a foot in length,
producing from 60 to 80 flow’ers. BractespaxxowXy lanceolate,
taper-pointed, lower ones nearly as long as the
germen, upper ones about half the length of the germen.
Perianthium of 5 leaflets, the three outer ones
ovate, acute, connivent, two inner ones narrower and
blunter, green, the larger ones edged with reddish
brown. Labellum without a spur, yellow, tinged with
brown, longer than the germen, three parted; side segments
narrow, linear; middle one bifid, with a small
obsolete tooth in the centre, the lobes linear and spreading
; it may be altogether fancifully compared to a