p -
PiEONIA Russi.
Crimson Pceony.
Natural Order. IlANUNCULACliA:. DC. .syst. nat. 1.
2>. 127.
. Tribus V. f PMONIACEJE. Antliera; iiitrorsic; an oido
proprius. DC. jyrodr. 1. p . 64.
P M O N I A. Supra, fo l. 19.
Sect. Ii. P jeon. Caulis herbaceus. Discus vix aut non
expansus ct carpella iniiv basi tantum circumdantia.
P . Russi, herbácea, carpellis pilosis recurvalis, foliorum segmentis
ellipticis integris subliis vix pubcntibus. D C. prodr. 1.
p. 66.
Paeonia Russi, Biv. man. sic. 4. p. 12. Swt. hort. brit. p . 10.
Spreny. syst. veg. 2. p. 615.
Stems several from the same root, erect or a little
llexiiose, from 18 inches to 2 feet in lieight, obtusely
angular, and furrowed with several longitudinal chan-
neis down the stem, smooth or slightly pubescent, of a
didl yellowish green. Leaves jtetiolate, ternate; leaflets
})etiolate, pinnatifid, pubescent underneath ; segments
elliptic, acute, tapering at both ends, generally entire,
whitish underneath, and of a pale green on the upper
side, strongly nerved underneath, the nerves much
branched : ujiper leaves rather narrower and less divided.
Petioles stout, lower ones much longer tliaii
the upper ones, channelled on the upper side, and
rounded on the lower, fiirroAved by the sides, widened
and tliickened at the liasc. Flower tei-minal, solitary,
of a bright crimson. Peduncle slightly angular, thickened
upwards. Bractes 2 , one close to the calyx, the
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