TAGETES corymbosa.
Corymhus-flowered Tagetes.
Natural Order. C o m p o s it a :. Adanson fam. 2.103.
Sect. IV . J acobem . K th . synops. 2. p. 440.
T A G E T E S . S u p r a ,fo l.U l.
T . corymbosa, caule erecto ungulato apice corymboso multifioro.
foliis pinnatis : foliolis multijugis oppositis alternisque lanceolatis
acutis basi insequalibus angustatis argute serratis glanduloso
punctatis glabris : involucro oblongo-tubuloso quin-
quangulato, squamis pappi tribus ; tertia duplo longiore subu-
lata fimbriata.
a. purpurea,
ß . lutea.
Annual. Stem erect, 3 to 5 feet high, simple, or only
branched on the upper part; many angled, the angles
bluntly rounded, of a purple colour, smooth and glossy:
hranches short and slender, more sharply angled. Leaves
large and spreading, alternate, pinnate: leaflets numerous,
sometimes opposite, and sometimes alternate, lanceolate,
acute, oblique, and attenuated at the base, sharply
and deeply serrate, the lower teeth longest, smooth on
both sides, but glandularly dotted, of a dark green, or
tinged with purple on the upper side, and lighter underneath
: on the rachis between the leaflets, are numerous
subulate bristle like teeth, or small leaflets. Petioles
channelled on the upper side and rounded on the lower,
widened at the base, and clasping the stem. Flowers
numerous, in a terminal corymbus, on longish peduncles,
variegated with yellow and a brownish purple, in
some plants altogether yellow: side branches generally
terminated with 3 flowers. Peduncles 2 or 3 inches long,
smooth, thickened upwards, and bluntly angular just
below the involucre. Involucre oblongly tubular, slightly
ventricose, bluntly 5-angular, 6 or 7-toothed, the teeth
short and rounded, bearded, or densely ciliate, with
fascicles of short gland like hairs. Receptacle convex,
. naked, dotted. Rays from 5 to 8, imbricate, broadly
cuneate, truncate, yellow, the upper side stained nearly
all over with a brownish purple, or sometimes altogether
yellow, bearing a style and bifid stigma, and producing