alternating with the segments. Stamens 5, inserted in
the tube; filaments distinct, smooth: anthers connected
into a tube, naked, the points distinct. Style smooth,
exserted beyond the stamens. Stigma bitid, the segments
spreading, club-shaped, fimbriate. »S'eeds linear,
flat, rough, and pubescent. Pappus consisting of 2 paleaceous
scales, those attached to the ray nearly equal
in length, one very slender, the other broad, truncate,
and surrounding the tube ; those attached to the florets
of the disk very unequal, one of them slender, double
the length of the other, and acute, the other broad,
truncate, emarginate and toothed, surrounding the tube
of the floret.
This very pretty annual plant is a native of Mexico,
and Avas raised last Summer at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill,
from seeds given us by Lady Johnstone, with numerous
seeds of other curious plants, which Sir Alexander
Johnstone had just received from that interesting
country, and many of Avhich are now thriving in Mr.
Colvill’s Nursery; amongst those that are raised, are
Arbutus laurifolia, Alstrcemeria ovata. Fuchsia arbo-
rescens, and a plant of the curious Chilopsis linearis
(the Bignonial linearis of Cavanilles leones, t. 262.)
we are in hopes that the latter plant will prove hardy,
as it seems to be of a deciduous nature. Arbutus lauri-
fo lia will probably also prove hardy, as we find it thrive
much better in a greenhouse than in the hothouse.
As the present is a late Autumn-floAvering plant, the
seeds of it should be sown early in Spring, that it may
be forAvard to flower in good time; if sown on a little
heat, or in the greenhouse, towards the end of February,
and when the plants are 2 or 3 inches high, to pot them
off 2 or 3 in a pot, they will be gaining strength; they
can then be turned out, and planted into the flower borders
in April, and Avill come into flower fine, in Autumn
; it will also be Avell to keep a few of them in pots,
as they can be removed into the house, if the Winter
set in early before they have ripened their seeds.
—* ♦ *—
1, The Involuc re, showing th e angles an d 5 te e th . 2. The n ak ed d o tted R e ceptacle.
8. One o f th e Rays, showing th e seed a t the base, and the short
Sty le and bifid Stigma. 4. F lc re t o f the disk, spread open. 5. The 5 Stamens,
spread open, th e an th ers all jo in ed , th e filaments d istin ct. 6. Seed from the
disk, showing th e unequa l paleaceous p appus, an d te rm in a ted by a smooth
Style, and 2-cIubbed fimbriate Stigmas. 7. T h e 2 unequal paleaceous scales.