roAver Stamens 4, inserted in the tube, 2 loAver ones
loi gest -. JilamHts smooth ; anthers 2-lobed. Germen
S i ®“ ooth. Style smooth, bright purple.
Stigma 2-cleit, the segments spreading. ® ^ ^
Ihe^present subject is an old inhabitant of our gar-
dens, having been introduced to them as long ago as
r t, • continues very scarce, most likely
trom being generally planted in situations that are too
much exposed, for being a native of the Levant, makes
rather tendei% and therefore requires a sheltered situation.
At the Nursery of Mr. Lee, at Hammersmith,
where our drawing was made in August last, the plants
had quite established themselves, and were growing-
very luxuriantly by the side of a wall, on a south bor
der in the common garden soil. It is certainly deserving-
a place in every collection, from its singularity of ap-
pearance and the colour and form of the flowers, which
are so different from all others ; when once established.
It increases freely by its creeping roots. It also occa-
na y ripens seeds, which should be sown as soon as
p^ ed , and should then be protected in a Greenhouse
01 Frame, during the Winter