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NUTTALLIA digitata.
Digitate-leaved Nuttallia.
Natural Order. M ala' a c e æ . DC. prodr. p . 429.
Div. I I . Calyx basi nudus,
N U T T A L L IA . Calyx 5-fidus, ecalyculatus, persistens.
Petala 5, hypogyna, æqualia, patentia, basi connata. Stamina
crebra, monadelpha ; tubo stamineo unguibns petaloruin ad-
nato ; antheroe oblongo-globosæ, peltatæ, uniloculares. Ovarium
superum, 12-loculare. Ovulum 1 in quolibet loculo, axi
centrali affixum. Stylus 12-fidns, fimbriatis. Stigmata Simplicia.
Capsula orbiculata, 12-cocca; coccis monospermis.—
Herbæ caulescentes denudatoe. Folia alterna palmatipartita :
laciniis 3-partitis v. tridentatis. Flores terminales, subcorym-
boso-racemosi, pedunculati, purpureo-phcenicei.
N . digitata, caule erecto ramoso apice aphyllo, foliis glaucescen-
tibus : inferioribus palmato-partitis digitatisve : laciniis oblongis
lanceolatisve obtusis tripartitis tridentatisve : caulinis
tripartitis trifoliolatis simplicibusque linearibus acutis.
Nuttallia digitata. Barton’s Plora o f N. Amer. 2. t. 62. Hooker
exot.flor. 171?
Callirhoe digitata. N u tta ll in Journ. o f Acad. N. Sc. o f Philadelphia,
V. I I . p . 181.
R o o t perennial. Stem slender, smooth and glaucous,
rush-like, producing a few leaves at the base;
the upper part leafless, from 2 to 2i. feet in height,
branching: branches slender, rush-like, terminated
with a corymbose raceme of flowers. Leaves very
variable, slightly pubescent on both sides : the bottom
ones at the root palmately 5-parted, the segments oblong,
obtuse, or with rounded points, 2 or 3-lobed or
toothed, flat and spreading : the next digitately 5-parted
nearly to the base, or with five leaflets : leaflets or segments
3-parted, or 2 or 3-lobed, lanceolate, bluntish:
upper leaves 3-parted or trifoliate, or rarely simple,
elongated, linear, acute, the sides bent inwards.
Flowers terminal, corymbosely racemose. Bractes
short, rather succulent, oblong or lanceolate, blunt or
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