/ mawZ/mim iunnel-form; tube green, channelled
with 6 deep furrows, narrow at the base and widening
upwards, or obpyramidal; segments 6, very short and
narrow, acute, erect, or slightly curved inwards, of a
pale yellow, shorter than the tube, and decurrent
down It. Crown very large, bell-shaped, very rugged
and plaited, 6-lobed, of a bright yellow, lobes regular
rounded Stamens 6, inserted in the tube; /iZameMZs
long and slender, but shorter than the crown, points
ascending : anthers incumbent: pollen yellow. Style
smooth, longer than the crown, and exserted beyond
It. Stigma deeply and unequally 3-lobed; lobes
spreading, fimbriate.
For the opportunity of giving a figure of this rare
and beautiful plant, we are indebted to Mr. William
Anderson, Curator of the Apothecaries’ Garden at
Chelsea, Avhere our drawing was made the latter end
of April last; this species is readily distinguished
trom A . Bulhocodium by its deeply 6-lobed crown
and slender leaves; it also comes in bloom earlier
than that species, and appears to be equally hardy
thriving well in the open border, in the common
garden s o il; we should recommend its being planted
in a soil composed of light sandy loam, we think it
would gi-ow and bloom stronger by that means; the
only method of increasing it, is by the offsets of its
roots, or by seeds, which sometimes ripen.
1. Tube o f tbe Periantbiiim lard open, sbowing tbe inner side, and its fi do
cu rren t segnrents. 2. Tbe G-lobed Crown laid open, s b o w in r th “ nsetoon o f
the 6 stamens a t the base o f the trrbe. 3. Stamen detaehed Gerrae
minated by the Style arrd 3-lobed Stigma. u e rra e n , ter