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Pul.h-.S.Sy*fet. lanJSZò. WMMU.
GENTIANA crinita.
Jagged-flowered Gentian.
Natural Order. G e n t i a n e ì e . Brown prodr. 449.
Sect. I. Capsula unilooulari.s, nunc semibilocularis.
G E N T IA N A . CaZyx 4-5-fidus. CoroZZa infundibuliformis
aut bypocrateriformis, 4-5-fida, fauce nudà. Stigma bilobum.
Semina immarginata. Brown prodr. 1. p . 450.
G. crinita, caule erecto basi tereti, ramis angulatis unifloris,
foliis araplexioaulibus lato-lanceolatis acutis, calycibus tetra-
gonis acuminatis ; segmentis alternis membranaceo-margina-
tis ; corollis quadrifidis ; laciniis obovatis inciso-fimbriatis.
Gentiana crinita. Froelich Gent. p.W-2. n. 44. Willden. sp.
pi. 1. p. 1352. Persoon Syn. I . p. 287. Purshfl. amer. sept. 1.
p. 185. Rcem. et Schult. syst. 6. p . 175. Spreng. syst. veg.1.
p. 859. Botan. magaz. 2031.
Gentiana fimbriata. Andrews's reposit. 509.
Biennial. Stem erect, smooth and glossy, tinged
with purple, round at the base, and slightly angular
upwards, from 1 to 1^ feet in height, branching on the
upper part: branches quadrangular, erect, each terminated
by a single flower. Leaves opposite, crossing
each other, broadly lanceolate, acute, rounded at the
base and clasping the stem, lower ones longer than the
joints, u p p e r ones not the length of the joints, smooth
and glossy, strongly keeled underneath. Peduncles
quadrangular, a little thicker under the calyx, into
which the angles extend, smooth and glossy. Calyx
quadrangular or sharply 4 keeled, deeply 4-cleft, the
segments taper-pointed, 2 alternate ones rather bi oad-
est, and edged with a coloured membranaceous margin,
the other two rather longer, more taper-pointed and
naked, all sharply keeled. Corolla 4-cleft, of a bright
blue, or slightly tinged with purple, about 2 inches in
length, tube elegantly striped inside, with 4 large green
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