HOMBRIA miniata.
Spot-flowered Homeria.
Natural Order. Irideæ. Brown prodr. I. p. 302.
H O M E R IA . Perianthium 6-partitum, petaloideum ; laciniis
alternis minoribus : tubo brevissimo. Stamina 3 : filamenta in
tubum longum coalita. Stigma 3-fiàom; laciniis bilobis aut bi-
fidis, fimbriatis.—Herba ca«7eíceníes : caule raMoso. Folia elon-
gato-linearia, flaccida, basi vaginantia. Flores spathacei.
H. miniata, foliis linearibus striatis glaucis fiaccidis scapo geniculato
ramoso longioribus, perianthii laciniis acutiusculis basi
barbatis, filamentis villosulis.
Moræa miniata. Andreios's reposit. t. 404. Swt. hort. sub. lond.
p. 11.
Homeria. Ventenat. Decas nov. gen. 5. n. 2. Paris. 1808.
Root a bulb-tuber, about the size of a hazel nut, conical
or obturbinate, clothed with a hard shell, composed
of fibres knitted together in a kind of network. Leaves
3 or 4, grass-like, linear, glaucous, lined with numerous
longitudinal lines at the back, upper side a little
channelled, terminated in a long taper point, hanging
loose and flaccid, longer than the scape. Ncape leafy,
branching, a little swoln and transparent at the joints,
cylindrical: flower-stems slender, smooth. Spatha 2-
valved, the inner one longest, acute, and terminated by
a membranaceous point, 2 or 3-flowered. Peduncles
smooth and glossy. Germen inferior, bluntly 3-angled,
and furrowed on each side. Perianthium 6-parted,
nearly to the base, rotate, the segments spreading flat,
bearded at the base, three outer ones nearly double the
size of the inner ones ; elliptic or elliptically lanceolate,
scarcely acute, of a bright copper colour, with a strong
vein running down the centre, anda yellow spade shaped
mark at the base, edged with brown, and spotted with
several small black spots. Stamens 3 : fllaments connected
all their length in a long cylindrical tube, very
hairy on the lower part, and smooth upwards : anthers
distinct, sagittate at thebase, 2-celled, bursting in front
to discharge the pollen, which is bright yellow. Style
smooth, inclosed in the stamineous tube. Stigma