I i . ii
£n.h.'ay.Jlf\ret.C'.rei ISFj. WidUU-
POTENTILLA splendens.
Silvery lined-leaved Cinquefoil.
Natural Order. RoSACEiE. Juss.gen. 331.
Tribus I I . F o t e n t i l lm . K u n th synops. v. 3. p . 161. Supra
fo l. \21.
P O T E N T IL L A . Suprafol.121.
p . splendens, caulibus erectis villosis, foliis interrupte pinnatis
utrinque sericeo-cantlicantibus acutissim^ dentatis valde nervosis
subplicatis, stipulis caulinis latis dentatis, floribus co-
rymboso-paniculatis, laciniis calycinis ovatis acutis extus se-
r'iceis, petalis late ovatis lineatis calyce vix longioribus, carpellis
Potentilla splendens. Wallich. Don prodr. Jl. nepal. p. 230.
D C. prodr. 2. p. 582. Hook. Bot. mag. 2700. Swt. hort. hrit.
p . 116. non Spreng.
Potentilla lineata. Treviranus. ex Spreng. syst. veg. 2- p. 534.
Potentilla Naspata. Hamilton Mss. in herh. Lamb.
R o o t perennial, herbaceous. Stems several from the
same root, erect, ferruginous, villosely hairy, from 1 to
2 feet in height, the upper part branched: flower branches
forked, and producing flowers in the forks, and also lateral.
Leaves interruptedly pinnate, of a glossy silvery
white appearance, occasioned by a white silky down:
lower leaves from 6 to 9 inches in length, the lower leaflets
small, aud gradually hecoming larger upwards, the
terminal ones largest: between each pair of large leaflets,
Avhich are elliptic or ovate, and very sharply serrate,
are 2 or 3 other pair of leaflets, those are all variable
in size and shape, hut all sharply serrate, the lowermost
very small, 2 or 3 lines long; the next pair half
an inch long, of the same shape as the large ones; then
again a pair of very small ones; the large ones are from
an inch to one and a half inches in length, and
three quarters of an inch broad, points of the teeth all
hearded: stem leaves becoming gradually shorter upwards,
and with very short footstalks; the leaflets often
alternate, particularly the small ones, and much more
irregular, but all of a handsome silky or silvery appearance,
aud all elegantly lined, giving an appearance of
heing plaited, the under side whitest and strongly veined,
upper side furroAved. NiipMZes broadly ovate, acute,
. J