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Flat-stemmed Lapeyrousia.
Naturai Order. luiDUM. Brown prodr. p . 302.
L A P E Y R O U S IA . Perianthium corollaceum; tubo gracili ;
limbo regolari, 6-partito, hypocrateriforme. Stigmata 3, gracilis,
2-partita, patentia. Capsula membranacea, 3-locularis, polysperma.
L. anceps, scapo folioso subtriquetro-ancipiti ramoso : angulis
denticulatis, foliis ensiformibus nervosis margine crispis, spa-
thisfoliaceis crispo-dentatis, laciniis limbi spathulatis concavis.
Lapeyrousia anceps. Ker. Ann. bot. 1. p. 238. Botan. magaz.
1246. in Spec. enum.
Lapeyrousia compressa. Pourret. act, tolos. 3. p. 39. t. 6.
Gladiolus anceps. Vahl. enum. 2. p . 108. Willd. spec. 1. p. 216.
Thunb. glad. p .l7 .c .ic . Jacq. c o lli. p .l6 3 . Ic. rar. 2. i.269.
Rcem- et Schult. syst. 1. p. 433.
Ovieda anceps. Spreng. syst. veg. 1. p. 147.
Bulb small, about the size of a large Marrowfat pea,
clothed Avith a hard glossy broAvn shell. Stem about a
span high, branched, flat; the main stem 3-edged, side
ones flat and 2-edged; all tlje edges toothed with numerous
small teeth, not unlike a file or rasp. Leaves
broadly ensiform, many nerved, short and blunt, the
edges more or less curled, and sometimes toothed, rather
glaucous, or of a light green colour; upper ones,
or spathes, very short, sheathing the stem; inside of the
outer valve is a membranaceous sheath with two leafy
toothed edges, terminated in a bifid point, and enclosing
the bottom of the tube. Perianthium corollaceum, with
a long slender tube of a bluish purple ; the limb hypo-
crateriform, divided into 6 segments, which are spathu-
lately lanceolate, the points slightly curved inwards ;
two upper ones rather the largest, of a dark blue, light
at the sides near the base, the others narrower, keeled
at the hack, and the white sides near the base larger and
stronger. Stamens 3, distinct, inserted in the upper part
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