other a little below it, lanceolate, taper-pointed. Sepals
5, unequal; the 3 inner ones 4 times the size of
the outer ones, nearly round, concave, strongly and
numerously nerved underneath, with purple membranaceous
margins; outer ones small and acute. Petals 8,
much imbricate, varying in shape and size, oblong,
oval or obovate, slightly crumpled, and striated with
innumerable slender lines, that are more or less branched,
margins undulate. Stamens numerous, about
the length of the germen, which they surround, more
or less spreading. Filaments smooth, bright purple,
inserted in the base of the anther, which is 2-celled,
and bursts by the sides to discharge the pollen; anther
nearly as long as the filament: pollen bright yellow,
powdery. Carpella 2 or 3, densely clothed with white
crowded hairs, their points recurved. Stigmas crested,
bent backwards, also hairy.
Our drawing of this handsome Pasony was taken at
the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, in June last, where it was
in flower for several days; we think there can be no
doubt of its being the P . Russi of M. Decandolle, as
it agrees in every particular with his definition of that
species. This interesting and splendid flowering genus
is now becoming very extensive, as its different species
and varieties are in general request by cultivators of
handsome plants; the greatest fault attached to the
genus is, that the flowers do not last long in bloom;
and if the roots are not become very large and strong,
the flowering will be soon over; but this is the less to
be regretted at this season of the year, when so many
other fine plants are in bloom, and others coming on
in succession.
The present plant succeeds best in an open situation
in the flower border, and prefers p, rich loamy so il;
it may be increased by parting at the root, or by seeds,
which ripen plentifully.
1. Calyx, showing the unequal sepals. 2. Stamen d e ta ch ed , to show th e
smooth p urple filament, and the an th e r. 3. The hairy Carpella, terminated
by the crested Stigmas. 4. Diminished outline o f a lower leaf.