TAXANTHEMA speciosa.
Plantain-leaved Sea-Lavender.
Natural Order. P l u m b a g i n e ì e . Brown prodr. 425.
T A X A N T H E M A . Supra fo l. 37.
T . speciosa, scapo ramoso tereti, ramis ancipitibus alatis, flori-
bus imbrioatis, foliis obovato-cuspidatis macroiiatis margine
cartilagiueis. Willden. sp. pi. 1. p . 1527. sub Statice.
Statico speciosa. Pers. s y n .\. p.2èì'4. Hort. Kew. ed .2 . v .2 .
p . 182. Botan. magaz. 656. Rcem. et Schult. 6. p. 787.
Root perennial I Leaves spreading in a radiate form,
rigid, obovate, attenuated at the base, terminated in a
sharp mucro, margins cartilaginous, of a glaucous or
rather white powdery colour, purple at the base.
Scape paniculately branching, naked and round at
the base, from 6 inches to a foot in height; branches
winged, 3-sided, at the base of each is a scariose stipule
or hracte, which is cordate, cucullate, and terminated
with an awl-shaped point. Flowers of a bright
pink, in dense interrupted imbricate secund spikes.
Bractes as on the scape, but smaller, about the length
of or scarcely as long as the calyx. Calyx tubular,
funnel form, with a white scariose, 5-plaited, 5-toothed
limb, the lower part green with 5 purple stripes down
the tube. Corolla of 5 petals; petah with a long unguis,
and spreading emarginate limb. Stamens 5,
inserted in the claws of the petals. Styles 5, each
terminated by a small capitate Stigma.
Our drawing of this handsome plant was taken last
Summer, at the Garden belonging to the Apothecaries
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