2-celled: pollen of a brownish yellow. Germen below
the dower, bluntly 3-sided, the sides flat, doable the
size and not furrowed as in T. pavonia. Style about
the length of the stamens, smooth, slender at the base,
and thickened towards the point. Stigmas 3, each
2-parted, the segments filiform and spreading.
The bulbs of this splendid plant were first brought
from Mexico last year, by Mr. Bullock, and flowered
last Summer at the Nnysery of Mr. Tate, in Sloane
Street ; at that time we believed it to be a mere variety
of T. pavonia, but a careful examination of numerous
specimens of both sorts in flower at the same time, determines
us now to consider them as specifically di fièrent
; besides the difference in the colour of the flowers,
the present plant differs from T. pavonia in the outer
leaflets of the perianthium being oblongly-ovate, and
acute, Avithout any mucrone at the point, and the back
not keeled : the interior ones being broadly ovate above
the middle and acute, not narroAvly elliptic and acuminate,
ending abruptly in a deep pit in the middle underneath,
not regularly channelled from the base to the
point ; the germen in this is also double the breadth,
Avith three flat sides : in T. pavonia it is deeply three-
channelled. All those differences together, which has
alAvays proved permanent, in numerous living specimens
Avhich AA e have examined, certainly entitles it to
rank as a distinct species. It requires precisely the
same mode of culture as T. pavonia, to be planted out
in the open borders in Spring, as early as the Aveather
permits, in as light and sandy a soil as possible ; after
they have done floAvering, and their leaves begin to
fade, the roots must be taken up, and laid to dry, or
hung up in bunches in a room, Avhere the frost Avill not
reach them, till the folloAving Spring ; if left in the
ground all the Winter, they will reqiiire to be well
covered, as the wet and frost will otherwise rot the
roots. Our draAving Avas made at the Nursery of Mr.
Colvill, in July last.
1. One of th e in n e r leaflets o f the Perian th ium , to show tlie hollow te rm in a ted
in th e middle. 2 , T h e 3 Stamens, showing th e filaments conne cted into a long
tu b e , th e an th e rs spreading. 3. Germen, showing its fla t sides, an d te rm in a ted
by th e Style, and th re e bifid Stigmas.
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