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D A PH N E hybrida.
Hybrid Daphne.
Natural Order. T h y m e l æ æ . B row n p ro d r.l. p. 358.
D A P H N E . Perianthium infundibuliforme, limbo 4-fido,
marcescens. Stamina 8, inclusa. Stylus terminalis. Stigma capitatum.
Drupa baccata, nuda, putamine crustáceo.—Frútices
».Arbusculæ. Folia sparsa ». opposiZa. Flores axi//ares ». ier-
minales, swpiàs glomerati. Brown prodr. 1. p. 362.
D. hyhrida, floribus terminalibus congestis subsessilibus sericeo-
hirsutis : laciniis perianthii ovatis acutis margine erosis, foliis
alternis oblongo-ellipticis acutiusculis brevi pedunculatis supra
glabris nitidis subtus pubescentibus, ramis adultis glabris:
junioribus pubescentibus.
Daphne hybrida. Colv. catal. edit. 3. p . 35. col. 2.
Stem shrubby, branching : branches cylindrical, when
young clothed with a brown pubescence, which wears
off by age ; older branches smooth, and clothed with a
broAvn bark. Leaves alternate, with very short flat footstalks,
oblongly elliptic, gradually tapering to the base
and point, the margins smooth and entire, of a bright
glossy green, and smooth on the upper side ; the lower
side of a pale yellow green, and pubescent. Flowers numerous,
terminal, in a very close crowded head, flesh-
coloured, darkest on the outside, agreeably scented.
Bractes deciduous, elliptic or lanceolate, concave, silky.
Pedicles very short, sericeous. Perianthium tubular,
4-cleft, the tube clothed with close pressed silky hairs,
bluntly quadrangular ; laciniæ about the length of the
tuhe, ovate, acute, the margins slightly curved inwards,
undulate, and erose, slightly clothed underneath with a
silky pubescence, the two inner ones eared on each side
at the base. Stamens 8, inserted in the tube, 4 near the
mouth, and 4 lower down in the iwhei, filaments very
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