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CALYSTEGIA reniformis.
Kidney-leaved Calystegia.
Natural Order. ConvolvulaceíE. Brovin prodr. p. 481.
C A L Y S T E G IA . Calyx 5-partitus ; bracteis duabus foliaceis
inclusus. Corolla campanulata, 5-plicata. Stamina subsequalia,
limbo breviora. Ovarium semibiloculare, 4-spermum. Stylus indivisus.
Stigmata 2, obtusa, (teretia v. globosa). Capsula nnilo-
cnlaris.—Herbae lactescentes, glabra, volubiles v. prostrata, {extra
tropicum provenientes). Pedunculi solitarii, uniflori. Brown
prodr. p. 483.
C. reniformis, caule ungulato ramoso elongato prostrato, foliis re-
niformibus snbrepandis emarginatis crassiuscnlis, pedunculis
teretiusculis, bracteis cordatis emarginatis calyce parum brevioribus,
radice repente.
Calystegia reniformis. Brown prodr. p. 484. Rcem. et Schult.
syst. 4. p . 185. Swt. hort. b rit.p . 287. Colv.catal.ed.2.p.34.
Convolvulus reniformis. Spreng. syst. veg. v. 1*p . 609. n. 272.
Roots perennial, succulent, branching in all directions,
and extending a great way round, when grown in
light soil. Stems milky, numerous, spreading flat on the
ground, and extending to a great length, branching in
all directions ; angular, which is occasioned by the footstalks
of the leaves being decurrent down the stem, roughish,
and more or less tinged with a reddish purple; the
angles a little undulate, particularly near the joints.
Leaves kidney-shaped, emarginate, slightly repand, rather
succulent, smooth on both sides, underneath many
nerved, the nerves branched, the nick terminated in a
short point. Petioles broad, shorter than the peduncles,
flattened, and deeply furrowed on the upper side, and
convex underneath ; roughish, but not pubescent. P e duncles
axillary, solitary, 1-flowered, roundish,or slightly
angular, smooth. Bractes 2, enclosing the calyx, scarcely
as long, cordate, broadly but shallowly emarginate. Calyx
deeply 5-parted, segments broadly ovate, outer ones
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