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LUPINUS mutabilis.
Changeable-coloured Lupine.
Natural Order. Leguminosæ. Juss. gen. 345.
Sobordo I I I . PaPILIONACEÆ.—Tribu.sV. CoroZ/a irregularis
)apilionacea. Stamina decern, diadelplia. Legumen uniloculare
jivalve. Frútices a« i Herbæ; folia Simplicia aut ternata aut
rariùs digitata; stipulæ nunc suhnulloe, nunc conspicua, imo petiole
adnata, aut ah eodem distinctæ. Juss. gen. 352.
LU P IN U S . Calyx 2-fidus laciniis integris aut dentatis.
Carina basi 2-partita. Stamina basi monadelpba: antberis
5 subrotundis, 5 oblongis. Legumen coriaceum oblongum poly-
spermum. Herbæ (auZ frútices); folia digitata: stipulis imo
petiolo adnatis: flores spicati terminales, in spied alterni aut
subverticillati, nudi aut bracteati. Juss. gen. 354.
L. mutabilis, fruticosus erectus ramosus ; ramis patentibus glau-
cis glabris, foliis digitalis glaucescentibus : foliolis 7-9 spatu-
lato-lanceolatis obtusiusculis subtus subpubescentibus, calycibus
subverticillatis inappendiculatis : labio superiore bifido ;
inferiore carinato acuto integro.
Stem fruticose, erect, much branched: branches
spreading, slightly angular, quite destitute of hairs or
pubescence, glaucous. Leaves digitate, of a pale glaucous
green : leaflets 7 to 9, spatulately or oblongly
lanceolate, obtuse, when young more acute, and tapering
to a p o in t; attenuated to the base, smooth on
the upper side, and very shortly pubescent underneath,
which cannot be seen without a lens. Petioles nearly
cylindrical, gradually tapering upwards, smooth and
glaucous. Stipules small, subulate, very taper-pointed,
joined to the base of the petioles. Peduncles lateral,
stiff, erect, cylindrical below the floAvers, glaucous,
between the flowers angular or 4-sided, the angles
acute. Flowers in irregular whorls round the stem,
generally 5 in each whorl, one at some distance above
the others, delightfully fragrant. Pedicles cylindrical,
smooth and glaucous. Calyx Avithout any appendage,
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