■MiyJt. /J-,: HUÍS
Wave-leaved Bird's-tongue.
Natural Order. M e l a n t h a o e ^ . B row n p ro d r.l. p . 272.
O R N ITH O O LO S SU M . Perianthium 6-phy\iam, petaloideum,
sessile, persistens. Stamina 6, receptáculo inserta, decidua.
S ty li 3, decidui. Stigmata inoonspicua. Capsula
3-locularis, polysperma.
O. undulatum, foliis distichis canaliculato-lanceolatis crispato-
undulatis acutis glaucis, scapo folioso subtrifloro, perianthii
foliolis basi squanioso-foveolatis, filamentis basi et apice fili-
formibus medio crassis, stylis staminibus longioribus.
R o o t a bulb-tuber, large, solid, and covered with a
brown shell similar to a Tulip. Leaves radical, distichous,
4 below the scape in our specimens, lower ones
broadest, lanceolate, tapering to a point, channelled,
clasping at the base, the margins curled, or much undulate,
points slightly reflexed, of a glaucous colour,
tinged with a brownish purple at the back and margins
; those on the scape smaller, narrower, and not so
much undulate. Scape short and stout, leafy, m our
specimens producing three flowers. Peduncles nearly
double the length of the leaves, stout and rigid, erect
or slightly diverging, scarcely thickened at the summit,
where it bends and produces a nodding Aower
slightly o-laucous. Flowers nodding, of a delighttul
fragrance in the evening, and at night, but without
scent during the day. Perianthium of 6 leaflets, or
sometimes only 5, persistent : leaflets narrowly lanceolate,
acute, sessile, reflexed a little above the base,
the points bending upwards, margins slightly bent
inwards, green, marked with purple at the bend ; at
the base is a nectariferous pit, filled with honey, Irom
which is produced a membranaceous scale, which is
sometimes simple and acute, and sometimes bifid with
acute points. Stamens 6, inserted in the receptacle :