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CHELONE digitalis.
Fox-glove-flowered Chelone.
Natural Order. S c r o p h u l a r in æ . Kunth synops.2. p.WO.
Sect. I I . Stamina 4 antherifera.
C H E LO N E . Calyx quinquepartitus, subæqualis. Corolla
basi tubulosa; fauce inflata; limbo bilabiato; labio superiore
emarginato-bilobo; inferiore trifido. Stamina quatuor, didy-
nama, exserta; filamentum quintura sterile. Antheroe loculis
divergentibus. Stigma obtusum. Capsula bilocularis, septicido
bivalvis; placenta centrali demum libera.—Herbæ oppo-
sitifoliæ. Pedunculi axillares et terminales, pauciflori, hrac-
teati, per racemos vel paniculas dispositi. Corollæ coccineoe,
purpurascentes, violacea, (parulem, alba aut variegata.') Kunth
synops. 2. p. 122.
Sect. I I . P e n t s t e m o n . Filamento sterili superne barbato.
C. digitalis, caule erecto subpubescente, foliis radicalibus oblongo
lanceolatis basi in petiolum attenuatis nndulatis tenuissime
denticulatis glabris subtus alternatim nervosls pallidis:
caulinis sessilibus cordato-ovatis acuminatis, floribus panicu-
lato-ramosis, corollis leviter barbatis, stamine sterili superne
ad medium barbate.
Pentstemon digitalis. Nuttall.
A fine herbaceous perennial. Stem erect, from 18
inches to 2 feet in height, slightly clothed with short
hairs, which are generally tipped with a gland. Leaves
smooth and glossy, more or less toothed with very small
gland-like horny teeth, dotted or perforated with numerous
small dots or punctures, of a bright glossy
green on the upper side, and paler underneath: lower
leaves oblongly lanceolate, acute, the point tipped
with a brown gland, more or less undulate, attenuated
at the base down the petiole, strongly nerved underneath,
the nerves alternating with each other, midrib
very large and prominent, channelled on the upper
side: petioles purple at the base, channelled on the
upper side and rounded on the lower, with a Avinged
cartilaginous margin, quite smooth and glossy: stem