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ZV JnxitluDIL ■ Ad. hy/iJur'e/>Jirovj82é.
GAGEA glauca.
Glaucous-leaved Gagea.
Naturai Order. A s p h o d e l e æ . Brown p ro d r .l. p . 271.
G A G E A . Supra, fol.158.
G. glauca, folio radicali unico lineari-lanceolato trinervio cana-
liculato revoluto glauco : floralibus oppositis lanceolatis mar-
ginibus incurvis ciliatis glauco-pubescentibus, scapo triquetro,
umbella subquadriflora, pedicellis acute triquetris, perianthii
foliolis ovatis obtusis.
Gagea glauca. Sivt. hort. h r i t .p . l l8 .
Ornithogalum sylvaticum. Schleicher, non Pers.
Ornithogalum luteum. Willd. enum. 1. p. 367. L in k e n um .l.
p . 325. non Linn.
Bulb small, of a glossy white colour, hut clothed
with a hrown shell. L e a f at the root solitary, glaucous,
revolute, linearly lanceolate* acute, strongly 3-nerved,
flat, hut slightly channelled on the upper side, narrowing
to the hase, nearly three times the length of the
scape in our specimens. Leaves on the scape opposite,
lanceolate, acute, sharply keeled, glaucous, pubescent,
and fringed with long hairs, the margins curved inwards
; outer one more than double the size of the
other. Scape short, sharply three-sided. Umbel about
4-flowered. Pedicles unequal in length, sharply triquetrous,
smooth but glaucous. Perianthium deeply
6-parted, of a pale yellow, the segments stellately
spreading, outer ones broadly ovate, obtuse, inner ones
scarcely half the width ; remaining persistent, and
changing to a grey or glaucous green colour, outside
much striped. Stamens 6, inserted in the base of the
perianthium, below the segments : filaments narrow,
flat, smooth, tapering upwards, and inserted in the
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