' m
axil of each leaf, on the upper part of the stem, so as to
form a sort of spike or raceme. Bractes at the base of
the peduncles subulately linear, taper-pointed, deciduous,
dropping-generally before the flower. Peduncles
short, pubescent. Calyx tubular, pubescent, furrowed,
12-striped, the limb 10 or 12 toothed, the outer teeth
subulate and elongated, spreading: the alternate or inner
ones short and ovate, acute, submembranaceous, the
points bent inwards. Petals 5, 6, or 7, inserted in the
mouth of the calyx, one betwixt each of the inner teeth,
oblongly ligulate, scarcely acute, narrowed at the base.
Stamens 10 to 12, unequal in length, inserted in the
tube of the calyx, a little above the base, and all exserted
: filaments slender, smooth and glossy, of a bright
red, attached to the back of the anthers. Germen pyramidal,
smooth and glossy, glandular or warted, 2-locu-
lar. short, smooth, recurved, included in the tube.
Stigma capitate.
This very pretty plant is a native of North America,
from which country it was imported by Mr. Miller, of
the Bristol Nursery, about 4 years since, and from plants
received from him our drawing and description was
made ; we have no doubt but it is the L. virgatum of
the American Botanists, though very different from the
European plant; we have never seen our present plant
above a foot or 15 inches high, and very much branched
and suffruticose at the base, with broadish leaves, which
are scarcely acute; while, on the contrary, L. virgatum
grows with us to the height of from 3 to 4 feet, with very
fe-w branches and narrow taper-pointed leaves, and certainly
no two species had need to be more distinct.
The present subject succeeds well in the open borders
in a rich light soil, and continues in bloom a great
part of the Summer ; it may be increased by dividing
at the root, oryoung cuttings planted under hand-glasses
will root readily, and will soon make nice young plants.
I . Calyx. 2. The same spread open, to show the insertion o f the petals. 3. The
12 Stamens inserted in the calyx, a little above the base. 4. Germen, terminated
by th e short recurved Style and c a p itate Stigma.