i i.
Amethyst-colour ed Hyacinth.
Natural Order. A s p h o d e l e a s . Brown prodr. \ . p . 274.
Div. I I I . Flores spicati. Radix bulbosa. Perianthium basi
H Y A C IN T H U S . Perianthium campanulatum, 6-fidum :
laciniis reflexis. Stamina 6, tubo medio inserta. Stigma 1.
Ovarium apice 3-porosum.
H. amethystinus, periantbiis campanulatis semisexfidis basi cy-
Hyaciuthus amethystinus. Willden. sp .p l. 2, p . 167. exd. syn.
Pallasii. Pers. syn. p. 675. Hort. Kew. ed.2. v .2 p . 282.
Redoutè TAI. 14. Botan, magaz. 2425.
R o o t bulbous. Leaves several, radiately spreading,
the points ascending, elongately linear, deeply channelled
on the upper side, from the sides folding inwards
; the lower side bluntly keeled, and sulcate with
numerous shallow furrows, of a lightish green inclining
to glaucous, and tinged with purple at the base.
Scape erect, from 6 to 9 inches high, cylindrical,
smooth and glossy, purple towards the base. Racemes
from 6 to 12-flowered, the flowers nodding, of a light
blue with dark veins. Bractes sheathing the pedicles,
membranaceous, linearly subulate, taper-pointed. P e dicles
nodding, bent round like a bow, but becoming
erect when in fruit. Perianthium campanulate, tubular,
6-cleft, tube cylindrical, segments spreading, the
points reflexed. Stamens 6, inserted in the middle of
the tube, and included witiiin the mouth : filaments
short, smooth, attached to the back of the anthers.
Germen with 3 nectariferous pores at the point. Style
smooth below the stamens. Stigma a simple point.
Our drawing of this handsome and rare plant, was
taken at the Garden belonging to the Apothecaries’