PELARGONIUM pedunculatum.
Long-peduncled Stork's-bill.
P. pedunculatum, caule carnoso rugoso; ramis nodosis
subdecumbentibus villosis, foliis ternatis utrinque pilosis;
foliolis pinnatifidis laciniatisque inaequaliter obtuse
dentatis incisisve subreflexis; segmentis inflexis, urabel-
lis multifloris longe pedunculatis, calycibus villosis re-
flexis, tubo nectarifero calyce triplo quadruplove lon-
Pelargonium pedunculatum. Swt. hort. brit. add. p. 470. n. 403. Coin, catal. edit. 3. p. 20. col. 3.
Stem suffruticose, erect, succulent, very rough and rugged
where the leaves and stipules have dropt off: branches
more or less procumbent, thickly clothed with long villous
hairs, knotted at the joints similar to P. gibbosum, and
slender between. Leaves large and heavy, hairy on both
sides, the footstalks being almost too slender to support
them, ternate or quinate; the middle leaflet pinnatifid, or
deeply laciniate, the points reflexed; segments broad, more
or less jagged, and toothed with bluntly rounded unequal
teeth, the points bent inwards; side leaflets smaller, concave,
and less divided. Petioles nearly cylindrical, glaucous,
clothed with unequal spreading hairs, very much swollen
at the base. Stipules variable, ovate or lanceolate, acute
and fringed. Peduncles simple, very long, cylindrical,
thickly clothed with unequal spreading villous hairs, also
much swollen at the base. Umbel with above 20 flowers. Involucre of numerous lanceolate, concave, scarcely acute
bractes, which are villous and fringed. Pedicles very short. Flowers sweet-scented. Calyx 5-cleft, thickly clothed with
spreading villous hairs, every other segment broadest, and
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