Kingly StorJcs-bill.
P. regium, foliis inferioribus cordatis acutis 5-lobis inaequa-
liter cartilagineo-dentatis subtus multinerviis; superio-
ribus cuneatis subtrilobis argute dentatis, stipulis acu-
minatis, umbellis 3-4-floris, calycibus reflexis, tubo nec-
tarifero calyce subduplo breviore.
Brown’s George the Fourth. Hortulanorum.
Stem shrubby, branching, the branches thickly clothed
with spreading unequal villous hairs, as are the petioles,
peduncles, and calyx. Leaves large, flat, broader than
long, cordate, acute, slightly 5-lobed, and toothed with
numerous unequal horny teeth, clothed on both sides with
short soft hairs, underneath strongly nerved with numerous
prominent nerves, which are much branched : upper leaves
wedge-shaped, generally 3-lobed, and toothed with large
sharp horny teeth. Stipules lanceolate and taper-pointed,
villous and fringed, the upper ones ovate. Umbels in a
sort of panicle, 3 or 4-flowered. Peduncles cylindrical. Involucre of 6 ovately lanceolate, acute, villous bractes. Pedicles shorter than the bractes. Calyon 5-cleft, the segments
broadly lanceolate, acute, tals 5, purple, all reflexed. Pe
the two upper ones broadly obovate, unequal-sided,
of a bright red, with a handsome velvetty spot in the centre,
and several dark lines between it and the base, which become
lighter as they extend, and branch all over the petals,
Underneath strongly 2-nerved, the nerves branched: lower
petals obovately oblong, of a lighter colour, strongly veined
underneath. Filaments 10, connected at the base, 7 bearing
anthers. Ovarium densely clothed with long white
wool. Style purple, hairy below, and smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed.