HOAREA congesta.
Crowded-flowered Hoarea.
H. CQngesta, acaulis, radice tuberoso, foliis pinnatis pinna-
tifidisve pilosis: foliolis segmentisque oppositis alternis-
que pinnatifido-lobatis incisisve insequaliter dentatis
acutiusculis, stipulis lanceolatis acutis, umbellis multi-
floris congestis, petalis ligulatis punctatis superioribus
Hoarea congesta. Swt. hort. brit. in addenda.
Root tuberous, branching out into other small tubers. Stem none. Leaves variable, pinnate or pinnatifid, hairy; leaflets or segments opposite or alternate, the lower ones
petiolate, upper ones sessile, irregularly cut and toothed, the
segments scarcely acute. Petioles long and slender, a little
flattened on the upper side and rounded on the lower,
thickly clothed with spreading villous hairs, as are the
scapes, peduncles, and calyx. Stipules lanceolate and
acute, joined to the base of the petioles. Scapes branching,
leafy at the base of the peduncles, which are cylindrical,
erect, longish, of a pale green colour. Involucre of several
linear, acute, fringed bractes. Umbels many flowered, in a
close compact head. Calyx 5-cleft, segments all reflexed. Petals 5, ligulate, very much punctate, or spotted with
numerous small spots: the two upper ones reflexed from
about the middle, of a pale pink or bright flesh colour,
lighter at the points and below the bend, where it is very
much spotted; lower ones of a paler colour, spreading. Filaments 10, connected into a tube, 5 bearing anthers: pollen orange-coloured. Style longer than the stamens,
pale red. Stigmas 5, pale purple, reflexed.